Obsessive collectors ... come one, come all! This art show couldn't have come to Ottawa at a better time. Although I'm not going until tomorrow - I get the sense that it honours all the ThriftKitty themes.
The Collections | Solo Series 2009

Artist: Sarah Fisher
Date: February 6th - March 2nd
SPAO, Vernissage,168 Dalhousie
Description: A photographic exhibition exploring the obsession involved in collecting similar objects. Photographer Sarah Fisher gives insight into collecting, through images of many similar objects. Throughout this exhibition the ideas and questions posed are from the artist's self-reflection and questioning of her own deficit throughout the years. These visuals represent a reflection of personal separation from things worth keeping and a curiosity in the people who can't be satisfied with one item, but must have many similar ones. Her interest is not in accumulating physical items but in documenting this need in others. Artist’s Statement Like most people, throughout the years I have accumulated many things. There are few things that I've held onto, the rest have been given or thrown away. Afraid to carry the weight of these objects through life, this was a way of separating myself from any attachment. It's fascinating to me the things people grow attached to. It's even more intriguing the things people are attached to but need more than one of to satisfy their craving. Whatever the rationale for these collections, I have created my own photographic collection documenting this need.
I've been collecting for as long as I can remember. Marbles. Stickers. Band-aids. Rings. Menus. Pooh. Hello Kitty. Clothes. Shoes. Pearls. And the list goes on and on.
During my University years, I went through a phase where I had to reinforce "no more things". It was too easy for me and those around me to feed the habit. But moving almost every 4 months became a packing exercise in insanity! The collecting stopped. I actively resisted it. Well, with the exception of clothes and shoes.
Thrifting has brought collecting back into my life -- with more focus -- one of area of focus is to creatively and uniquely decorate our new home. Yippee!!
See you at SPAO this weekend.
Inspiration at its best.