MaryAnn Harris, a vintage fashion legend here in Ottawa, orchestrated a day of great deals on some of her fabulous vintage clothing and jewelery collection. Everything was 50% off (OMG). Her house was transformed into a Reclectica store ... complete with shopping baskets, a free "reclectica dollar' upon arrival, a change room, snacks, and an overall warm and cozy feel! Guests were encouraged to wear their favourite vintage duds to the event, and 'staff' were dressed to the nines. Add it all together, and you've got a vintage fashion rave.
I got out alive -- but not empty handed. B'en non.
My focus: pearls, blingy earings or brooches, 1950's dresses.
The result: pearls, blingy earings, fantastic hat, girly aprons!
I LOVE PEARLS!!! A friend recommended that I have a photoshoot with all my pearls as a nod to a famous picture of Marilyn Monroe with all her pearls. Key difference - mine wouldn't be real. Plastic pearls are simply undervalued. LOL. At the end of the day, oodles of pearls = divine fabulousness.
APRONS are just about the cutest addition to a hostess' outfit for a dinner party or bruncheon! You know, a little domestication never hurt anyone ... even if it's just in one's outfit. Good quality, good condition, frilly aprons can be tricky to find in thrift stores! So voila ... two great finds at the vintage fashion rave. One will be the perfect additon to a Valentine's Day meal ... perhaps breakfast in bed for my one and only!?
The HAT was an unexpected find ... it's absolutely adorable, but more worthy of a live shot. It's black with a big bow in the front - almost tam like. It looked to lifeless laying there on the floor. Unfortunately I don't have a hat stand to display her.
No luck on the 1950's dresses. My search continues!! MaryAnn mentioned that she has some in stock, but decided not to include them in the sale. I don't blame her, they're hard to find. I was reassured that they would be proudly displayed at the Spring Garage Sale at Landsdowne Park in April. Check out my Ottawa Events post for show details! I'm hoping that with the increased popularity of tv show Mad Men, and a general influx of 1950's vintage in the mainstream interior design world -- that it, too, will make it's way into the fashion scene ... with many sizes and options to choose from.
After the vintage fashion rave we headed over to Bentley's Flea Market (Merivale & Cleopatra)... my FIRST visit, but not the last!! I brought a girlfriend with me who just died over the great jewelery -- brooches, bracelets, and more!! I died over well -- everything! I showed great restraint ... but did find the perfect ice cream bowls. They're from the 1950's, lime green, and originally terms Sherbet bowl. Yeahhhh. The vendors are very friendly, not too stuffy, and a number of the booths were quite well priced as.
The exposure to this Ottawa secret definitely paid it forward, thrifting style. We will be back.
I can smell a tradition brewing.... Sunday Thrifting Church anyone?
God life is good. Get out there an enjoy it!