1. Vintage fashion, jewelery, furniture, and housewares
2. Thrift Stores and Flea Markets
3. Meeting fabulous people
I couldn't be happier. The friends that joined me a-pre-ci-ate-d the experience as much as I did. And I quote (well loosely), "I dreamed about places like this existing, and here I am."
* An amazing workout; discovered a new class - rocked out
* A delicious breakfast at Jak's Kitchen (best breakfast joint in town) shared with the boy and great friends
* Hit up The Collections art show at SPAO. Another hidden gem in Ottawa. Sarah Fisher's pieces were fantastic. The friend that joined me is picking up the bus ticket piece. I'm in love with the vintage animal planters print ... just need to find the perfect frame.
* Took some time to cruise the independent fashion scene in the Market - Victoire, The Workshop, Milk, etc...
* Purchased a delicious loose leaf earl grey tea from Bridgehead (still had a coffee buzz from Jak's)
* Thrifted 'til the sun came down!!! I tried out several new spots (which I will post on my central post with ottawa thriftkitty spots), and hit up some tried, tested and true. Great finds included a yellow and gold flower brooch, set of floral vintage dessert bowls, dainty gold leaf tea cups (for my soon to be hosted tea party), and a beautiful ornate frame.
* Oh, and a surprise stop at Home Sense. No, this doesn't fit into the master plan but I panicked when the Thrift Store on Merivale (across from Home Sense) had shut down. This is the third Thrift Store that is open one day, then closed the next!!! What a travesty. What is happening? I will return to this theme. The good news here is that I found the coolest set of candlesticks / table art and an owl for my budding collection. Very picture worthy -- so stay tuned. The candle sticks are glossy white ceramic tree stumps, in three different heights. Love them! Not vintage. Not used. But they could be. :) The owl has these cute tufty ears and legs ... I think he's a snowy owl. Perhaps an ode to winter -- aka -- please leave, we respect you but have had enough of you.
Sunday (aka Sunday Thrifting Church)
* Woke up, had a quick breakfast, filled a travel mug with my new coffee concoction (coffee with a spoonful of Eagle Brand condensed milk). Now, let me tell you ... it is so freakishly good you will crave it in your sleep. I can't take the credit though. My girlfriend and Image consultant guru exposed me to this divine creation when I was staying with her in TO.
* Set out for MaryAnn Harris' Vintage Fashion Rave Part II with a few of my friends! This time, we were one of the first to arrive -- and had the pick of the litter! MaryAnn and her hubby are fantastic, and perfect for each other ... it's always a treat to chat with them. Both will be at the Garage Sale Show at Landsdowne in May. I ended up taking home some fantastic earrings, furry poodle brooch, and a Mother's Day gift. This cash only, home-based sale offers many of MaryAnn's vintage pieces at 50% off; everything from hats, to jewelery, to shoes, gloves, dresses, and scarves. Such a comfy environment - complete with 'reclectica dollars' and snacks to boot! Will there be a Part III?
* We then took to the road in pursuit of Bentley's Flea Market (7 Cleopatra Drive- Near Hunt Club). Open every Sunday, we've declared this spot the source of our Sunday Thrifting Church. What an amazing experience as usual. They have a great selection of vendors. Not too big, good range of prices and time periods. My favourite vendor is bursting with pieces from the 50's and she's extremely knowledgeable about what she sells. It's a learning experience each time we meet -- and I never walk away empty handed. This time I took home a gift for the mommy, a 1950s Pyrex butter dish with a teal blue patter on it (something I've been hunting for quite some time), and a tiered glass petal dessert tray. The girls picked up some great jewelery grab bags which we proceeded to dissect and plan craft projects for at the Sushi restaurant later that afternoon. I also expanded my journey to the book vendor -- and found a great vintage book called the "Complete Book of Etiquette" by Amy Vanderbilt, written in 1952. What a perfect coffee table book! I'm looking forward to picking up a few etiquette lessons and finding out just how ill mannered we've become. Absolutely lovely highlight of our trip was that I met the most fabulous lady - one of the vendors. She's 80+ years old and has been doing the flea market thing since she retired. One of her three children work there with her. She spoke so highly of all her children and has truly lived a full, experience-rich life. Her favourite decade was the 60's -- primarily due to the people and experiences that came with that time period for her. I suppose when one looks back on decades they actually lived through, it's harder to separate the fashion and decor from the life experience. The 50's remain my favourite decade for those reasons. Not sure what I would have felt about the lifestyle. But truly, the greatest highlight of the day was sharing this experience with others. It was such a rush, the energy was contagious. Bringing these fantastic places to light by sharing them with others is the gift that keeps on giving!!
* Next, the very hungry, thrift exhausted crew headed for Sushi ... but as we drove down Merivale and decided to resist the cries of VV, the Thrift Shop caught my eye - their door was open. THE Thrift Shop.
The one I've been stalking for 2 months now.

* We did make it for Sushi on Wellington with one final stop to American Apparel - where I exchanged some birthday gift leggings (already had the same colour) for this multi-purpose / multi-talented dress top get-up. The sushi was deeeelish and we ohhhh'd and awwwwed over our findings.
What a day. What a wonderfully glorious day. I can't wait to do it again, knowing that each of our journeys will be a little bit different. And spring, fresh, crispy, sunny, warm breezy spring will bring many many exciting opportunities.
Thanks for sharing about Bentley's - Katie and I checked it out last week-end and it was amazing! And the Thrift Shop has always intrigued me too, but my timing's never been right either! Hopefully next time we go to Bentley's we'll be able to make it.